People who are thinking about buying the game- TOTALLY do it. Besides, it’s a kids game so make it for kids. They’re longer than the main game ITSELF. Oh- and the reason I don’t like the shorts- THEY ARE NOT SHORT. You have another Octodad game too, just to add on.
Octodad pc download movie#
You have your own theme song- what are you missing? You should TOTALLY make it a show or a movie of some sort. Just the sequence itself, it’s the best part. I think you should do what I’m about to say: MAKE A SHOW. From beginning to end, I was hooked, especially with the good bait :) (excuse the pun).

It’s very confusing sometimes, with all the puzzles and games you have to complete- especially when you have a curious wife and two kids who go everywhere. Being and octopus who pretends to be a human being ain’t easy, but it’s fun and challenging enough to wanna play more.

Hello there I am a H U G E fan of this game. Developer: Young Horses Publisher: Young Horses + Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored Buy Octodad: Dadliest Catch 14. In the free play there’s a locked one I’m dying to see what it is this is my first response to you because everything was going great I saw the last update you made was 1 YEAR ago 1 YEAR that’s a really long time I’m beginning to start to wonder is you will make more levels because gee I can’t take it much longer. I had this game once and I was little so I didn’t get the point I deleted the game and just a few months ago I got it again I can’t stop playing the first time I played it took me 6 hours to beat it that I blame on the kelp grow and the jungle gym now I’m a pro I especially love what all the characters say like “Stacy why are your butterfly hair clips all over the yard.” “I was returning them to nature.” After a while I kind of got board of playing the same thing over and over and over again so I started to look for more I found the “shorts” and played both I like that the evil or not so evil anymore chef was cooking at the place and he was saying what he had said on the last thing but that’s what I want to talk about the last thing.